

Pascual or PPC was breeding ground of lasting friendship and becoming family..People.come and go yet keeping in touch...we symphatize..emphatize on each other challenges and we cheered on each victories...

my child

Anne our only daughter is a hard working child. Very passionate with her craft. My prayers is that what ever her passion is may it be beneficial to her and the people around her. May her passion take her to success.

my other half

My husband is a passive person. he seldom makes the first move. Just waiting to be noticed or acknowledged. Although he is this kind of person he wont fail you in times of need. He will be there no matter what. He is my wall. He makes me feel safe.and secured. Once he says no nothing can convinced him otherwise but will respect your decision but once he says yes you can set back and relax because he will deliver. In our 17 years he started our allowance when i was pregnant. And he never fails to deposit our allowance on time. Never early and never late. He is not thoughtful, no gifts on birthdays or anniversary that was lacking of him. He was not into travel then but he seems to enjoy eating out and yearly outing now. That is a relief because me and anne love it

my youth

I wished i has known that i was a beauty and voluptous when i was young. Had i known i had flirted some more. Not the timid shy girl who is insecured because of her looks and poverty. My only plus then was my brain. In my studies, i did not work so much. Just trust my base wisdom. I worked hard but did not persevere much. If a topic cannot be comprehend in one sitting i give up. I do not believe then in the word practice. I just let it slide. If i am outstanding in other subject then i am fine. I do not wished for perfection. As i believe that you cant have it all


I am my own boss. I want to think that way. I am responsible for my actions, my work, my decisions. Eversince i was young i always take the second lead. I do not aim for the highest spot. I am contented to be  the right hand. This is my personality. Not the leader but not a follower. That makes my life difficult then. I was given opportunities to take the lead but decline. I know i am not capable. I can only take responsibilities of my actions or actions of my subordinates but i cannot lead a whole organization. I can be a partner, an ally, a supporter but never the decision maker. Should i start taking the lead. Is my experience enough. Would my wisdom enough?